Students » CAMT Program Description and Syllabus

CAMT Program Description and Syllabus

YouthBuild Charter School of California (YCSC) is the program sponsor for Certificate of Apartment Maintenance (CAMT) pathway in Los Angeles County. The program is designed to provide entry level entrance into residential and commercial maintenance jobs. Utilizing curriculum designed by the National Apartment Association (NAA) and certified by ANSI, this 85 hour class includes classroom learning and lab application covering customer service, Federal Fair Housing, Drywall, Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Appliance Repair and other skills necessary for employment in the industry. The coursework is customized for cohorts to run from 4-8 weeks. Work Experience or direct placement opportunities with area employers follow successful course completion. YCSC works closely with property owners through the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA). Course cohorts are available at locations including The Amity Foundation, Rancho Dominguez AJCC, LA SW College, Goodwill SoCal and throughout LA County. Follow-up with employers help to ensure retention for the employees. Competitive pay, full benefits, housing discounts and career advancement are all hallmarks of this high demand and recession proof employment pathway.
The total cost of the CAMT program is $1484.00 (no cost to students enrolled in YouthBuild Charter School of California.)
If you are interested in YouthBuild Charter School of California's CAMT program, contact Helen Whitcher at [email protected] or (843) 345-6980. Learn more about our CAMT program and other job training programs here.