Palmdale Site Launches "One Mic" Podcast

Introducing One Mic: Episode One "Take the Leap!"

We are so excited to announce the launch of a new podcast, One Mic, produced by the staff and students at our Palmdale site at AV YouthBuild. One Mic's first episode, "Take the Leap!," dropped on Tuesday, April 18th. In the first episode, recent March 2023 graduate Monica discusses "Taking the Leap" towards your goals and dreams. She shares insights about balancing life and family, mental health, and the drive to move forward in life. 
You can listen to it now on:

Or check it out on YouTube below:


About the One Mic Podcast

According to Palmdale site director Lovell Fleming, One Mic was created as a way to give students another platform to lead and inspire others. It was also developed as a way to recruit and spread the word about YouthBuild programs and the greater YouthBuild movement
Students were excited about the podcast and felt like it would be a great way for them to share their stories of both successes and struggles to motivate others. Throughout the process of recording the first few episodes, students expressed how much they enjoyed not only sharing their own stories, but listening to the stories of their peers. The podcast format meant that they didn't need to show their faces on camera, and students said that made them feel more comfortable sharing and opening up.
Behind the scenes, students helped by brainstorming podcast topics, assisted in designing the logo, helped create the name, led discussions, conducted interviews, and will assist with editing. 
They have recorded ten episodes so far, and they plan to release new episodes every Tuesday at 8am (as part of #TransformationTuesday). So be sure to check back on their Podbean or YouTube pages for the latest episodes!