Our Students' Creativity Shines In "In Our Own Words: Vol. 3"

"In Our Own Words: Volume 3" was published in July 2022, and was distributed to all staff during our Summer Professional Development. The anthology features poems and written works from students in Mario Rosado's, Elvira Velazco's, Valencia Johnson's, and Joey Reyes' classes. Joey's art students also contributed drawings that are featured throughout the book. Special thanks to English Department Chair Mario Rosado for spearheading this third publication of student work and to to the other English teachers who helped collect and assemble their students' contributions. Check out some excerpts from the book below:
A piece of student writing called "59 Impala"
a student drawing featuring a figure moving through a series of images and slowly fading away
a poem titled "Disappointed" by student Josefina Lara
a poem titled "What Happens to a Broken Heart?" by student Aiden Doran
a student drawing of Snoopy riding a skateboard with Woodstock flying next to him
an anonymous piece of student writing titled "1000 East Wesley"
the second half of an anonymous piece of student writing titled "1000 east wesley"
Two poems written by students James Johnson and Andrew Sanchez
a drawing of a car using hatching technique
a piece of student writing called "Space 100" by Stacy Ramirez-Soto
a piece of student writing titled "Life of Me" by Tomas Rosas
a student poem titled "My Mom" by Karian Castelan